Tragically Beautiful

Our hearts seem to continuously fill with sorrow, grief, and heartache. These emotions ebb and flow with massive gusts of gratitude. Surges which allow us to get through another day without our sweet boy and battle the intense grief. Gratitude for the time that we did have with our incredible son and gratitude for our community both near and far.

We spent a tragically beautiful weekend celebrating the incredible life of Miles the Brave, laying his vessel to rest, and then celebrating his spirit - just the way he would have liked - at the top of our lungs with our friends.

We have received thousands of messages from around the world from people who are choosing to live their lives - really live because of what they saw in our sweet Angel. Like our gratitude - these messages help harness the waves of sadness in our hearts.

Thank you to each and everyone one of you who helped create a perfect celebration of life for Miles. Words aren’t enough, but we are hoping that if you are reading this you will know that our gratitude for you and for our community helps suppress our grief and lifts our hearts.

A link here to see a recap of the service. Thank you Della.




Miles John Isbell