Back to the Hospital

Coming to the hospital isn’t Miles’s favorite thing and the team at Asante is working hard to “reprogram that mindset” by making sure each visit is about building relationships and trust. He comes here a lot for monitoring in between visits to OHSU.

Last week he had a visit to the hospital just to walk around with his doctor. They talked about mean roosters, bow hunting, and chemo farts. Today - Miles was excited to see him.

Last week a nurse he had previously had for four nights in a row wasn’t working at the time of his visit. Today - that same nurse greeted Miles in his room and told him “I’ve been stashing your favorite cereal for you Miles!”.

Last week he was given a backpack and told there would be a scavenger hunt. Today he was so excited to come inside the building just for the hunt. He asked me several times if we brought the backpack. Guess what each clue led too? Toys for his new puppy Charlee.

We still have two more days in the hospital for this round of chemo and we are closer to home. Maybe by the time we get discharged - thanks to their hard work - he just might be looking forward to the next visit.

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Miles in the Siskiyou Daily


Good days…