The word iron itself has many different meanings. A metal used in construction, handheld implement used to smooth clothing, an essential element in blood production, or figurative language describing strength.

We all know by now that Miles has absolutely embodied the definition of strength through this journey, but this week Miles officially became an “IRONKid”. This means that he will receive direct support from the IronMatt foundation - an organization devoted to helping families of pediatric brain cancer patients. This organization is also committed to supporting medical research for the treatment and cure of pediatric brain and spinal tumors.


Even with iron strength and new title, Miles still needed blood product transfusions this last week. A LOT of them. His last round of chemo required three total transfusions. So far this round (#3), he has needed seven total transfusions. Each time we get our counts back I am always blown away that he needs more blood or platelets - because he’s out doing amazing things but literally running on empty.


But that’s the thing about the strength of iron and of Miles - you put either through the hottest flames and they both come out even stronger.

Warrior on Miles.


Happy Birthday Miles!


Rescans and Round 3