Jan 19 - Heading North

Today Joy and Miles hit the road and drove north to Portland. Tomorrow Miles begins the first of six more rounds of chemo at OHSU. Each round requires a 3-4 day hospital stay and a follow up chemo infusion. He then gets a two week recovery period and we repeat the cycle six times.

It seems easy when written out like this in straight forward language, but the reality is that it’s really tough. Miles now hates hospitals and experiences extreme anxiety when he knows he’s leaving home. It took a lot of convincing to get him in the car today.

His strong will is what will allow him to battle through this. Battle through being apart as a family, being poked, and feeling sick.

In watching the news this morning, I listened to Joe Biden’s daughter describe her role in taking her brother to treatments for brain cancer. She used two words to describe it as a “Tragic Privilege”.

I feel that those words simply and eloquently describe the role anyone plays in helping someone battle cancer. It’s a privilege to battle alongside Miles - to watch his strength and tenacity - but the tragedy lies in the battles he has had to face - especially at nine years old.

Thank you all for battling alongside us.

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Jan 20 - Sonic Greeting


Jan 11 - More Great News!