Jan 30 - Replacing Fear

“Replace fear with gratitude and the whole world changes.” - Terri Guillmets

After an anxiety filled week of monitoring intense side effects from chemo, Miles has been admitted to the hospital in Medford to receive antibiotics and tonight - a blood transfusion.

As we sit here tonight I am choosing to practice gratitude over fear.

1. The excellent care we received at our first stop today - our local rural hospital in Yreka. Thank you Fairchild Medical for helping stabilize Miles - as risking the extra time to drive before antibiotics were given was crucial.

2. Another hospital with more resources in Medford - where he can receive a transfusion and still be close to home.

3. Each and every person who donates blood.

4. Those that go out of their way to include Carter in fun adventures - when our focus is on Miles. As we were in almost crisis mode today - he enjoyed a quail hunt, distracted from his own worries.

5. Folks who work to deliver food. . With a palette that is difficult to please - crab from Red Lobster delivered tonight contact free was perfect.

6. All of you who support us without being asked and who pray for our family.

And if practicing gratitude to calm your fears isn’t enough - maybe try some crab. Just ask Miles - it sure turned his day around.

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Jan 23 - A Warrior