Closing out 2023

As we embarked upon 2023, we promised to live life like Miles did - to the fullest, even in the toughest of times - just like him. Reflecting on this year, even when grief brought us to our knees and consumed us, we still lived life to the best that we knew how. We tried to live like Miles.

The first several months of the year lead to many adventures in the snow. From the backcountry slopes in our backyard, to local ski resorts, to even cleaning our ditch amongst snowflakes - it was a magical winter.

Carter enjoyed many hunting and fishing experiences. Between rivers, the ocean and mountain lakes he enjoyed some fantastic fishing. He and his dad enjoyed many miles in the backcountry hunting this fall.

He finished off his 8th grade basketball season and then joined the skeet team in the spring as well as played Babe Ruth. He finished off Jr. High with a 4.0 and earned Panther of the Year. This summer he worked with his dad - mainly welding and repairing bins - a necessary part of maintaining operations. In between working, playing All Stars and making his way into Mountain Lakes he also prepared George his steer for the Siskiyou Golden Fair. He did very well for his first year, earning 1st in his class and a trip to the champion showmanship Drive. After Fair he dove feet first into a brand new sport - football - which he loved.

Our family has always enjoyed travelling and this year we think we spent the most time travelling to watch Carter play sports - mainly football. It was an absolute blast to watch he and his teammates. Apart from travelling to athletic events, we also logged a lot of miles into mountain lakes. For the first time since Miles was sick - Bradley and I were able to enjoy our annual anniversary mountain lake trip. We logged double digits with packs and enjoyed a few days with a lake to ourselves deep in the backcountry.

We were very blessed to got to Maui prior to the devastating wildfires with Bradley’s family. Through tears and laughter, we enjoyed the Aloha of the island, while missing Miles and Papa. Later that summer, we enjoyed watching Zach Bryan in concert between tears.

Bradley made many improvements to the property this year - but perhaps the one most enjoyed by the family was having a garden again. He has always had a green thumb, but it’s been something that we haven’t been able to do since the summer Miles got sick. Joy enjoyed canning the fruits of his labor.

The irony is that through all that we accomplished - on top of getting up every day - facing our grief and putting one foot in front of the other - is that Miles accomplished even more. His life and story continued to inspire others and allow opportunities for his legacy to live on and for awareness to be brought to pediatric cancer research.

Just in this last year - dozens of things have happened in his name. There will now be a therapy dog at Asante to help others - just as Charlee helped Miles, Journey will no doubt make a difference in thousands of lives.

Representative Doug LaMalfa spoke of his bravery at the US Capitol on his birthday - while a flag was flown in his honor. On that same day we were able to gift hundreds of sets of Legos in his honor. I still get messages from people whose children have been hospitalized - holding a gift from Miles.

We were able to give a scholarship in his honor to a graduating Etna High School Senior. As his friends rode at the local rodeo in his honor, a bench was also placed - where he liked to sit and watch them. Now a place for others to view the action next to his smiling face.

Students created a mural at Scott Valley Junior High of him flying in a hot air balloon. Artwork that will grace the halls for years to come. The dirt track at Fort Jones Elementary School will be named after him - in honor of his love of running and the hundreds of miles he ran on it in elementary school.

Carter’s baseball family added a patch to every uniform of their team honoring their number one fan. A new award was given to the top swine showman at the Siskiyou Golden Fair - in honor of his showmanship.

His face graced hundreds of registers at Costcos and Wal-Marts across Oregon and California asking for donations to the Children’s Miracle Network - as he was the honorary CMN Child. They raised record-breaking amounts with this year’s campaign. All funds which will directly support children in need in our region. As heartbreaking as it was to see our sweet boys’ face - how honored we are to know his light continues to shine.

His story continued to be shared at this year’s Oregon Wine Experience - inspiring others to give just like our sweet boy did. Students at our high school organized a walk to raise awareness for pediatric cancer research. Inspired by two more pediatric diagnosis within their network of friends and family - and in honor of their friend Miles.

Many other kind gestures, donations to Asante in his honor, and finding his sticker of remembrance in so many places. We are reminded of him nearly every moment of every day - and always when we hear “Don’t Stop Believing” - which would air at the most cherished times.

So as we reflect on 2023 - yes we did our best to live like Miles - but man did he still manage to live through all of us. Here’s to 2024 - continuing to embrace life, enjoy each other, and live life like Miles.


Olsrud Family Women’s & Children’s Hospital


Living Like Him - But Without Him