It’s Two O’Clock Somewhere
It's been a long four days in the hospital for Smiling Miles, but we should be heading home later today.
When he was in outpatient clinic on Thursday morning he was snacking on a large bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. He offered some to Doctor "A" - who politely declined by saying "I try not to have Doritos before noon." To which Miles quickly replied "Well, it's two o'clock somewhere."
Our warrior had two allergic reactions yesterday during blood product transfusions. We were able to complete the platelet transfusion and started the blood transfusions when he showed significant signs of a reaction. More antihistamines were administered, the transfusion resumed and then he had MORE allergic reactions. Transfusions were stopped, steroids were given and his body calmed down. Per protocol, a process was done to evaluate the blood/his blood and he could not receive another transfusion until the next day.
I was calm through the entire experience, but did become a little concerned when his doctor ran into his room from across the hospital.
Worse, than the delay of not going home was that his pulse remained very high all through the night and yesterday because he REALLY needed some more red blood cells in his body.
As I type this, he's almost done with his second bag of red blood cells, his pulse is down, there's been no allergic reactions, he knows home is a few hours away, and he's snacking on some Doritos - because you know - it's two o'clock somewhere.