Save a Life

Today was another reminder of how important it is to give blood if you are able. It’s one of the easiest and FREE things you can do to pay it forward and literally save a life.


Miles had another three blood transfusions today. His hemoglobin and platelet levels were 40-50% below what is medically considered “low”. Again - this is the double edged sword of chemo and is to be expected.


Thank you to some local wonderwomen for organizing a local blood drive on 3/10. This is an opportunity for anyone who is medically able to support someone who needs blood to live - just like Miles.

In addition to needing blood to make it through today, he also needed his Charlee. Thanks to FaceTime they were able to visit. Charlee can’t give Miles blood but she sure did give him lots of puppy kisses through the phone.



The Greatness of Community


Puppy Therapy - Meet Charlee!